Next Wave of Bands for Dortmund Deathfest 2024

Here we go. Today we announce our next wave of Bands. We are happy about the lineup so far and we hope you like it too.

The new Bands for DORTMUND DEATHFEST 2024 are:
Suffocation – legendary Brutal Death Metal from USA
Rectal Smegma – Goregrind from the Netherlands
Gutrectomy – Slam Death Metal from Germany
HURAKAN – Deathcore from France
Fractured Insanity – Old school DM from Belgium
Wretched Fate – Death Metal from Sweden
Reckless Manslaughter – Old school DM from Germany
Orphalis – Technical Death Metal from Germany

We still got 3 more bands to come. In total we will have two more Bands than last year. The tickets are still available for 89 Euro plus Presale fee. After we announced the last 3 bands, the price will go up to 99 Euro. So better use the time and get your ticket now:

Which band you also wanna see on our lineup for 2024?